
Trust Induction

The aim of the Trust induction is to help individuals settle into their new role, a new team and/or a new working environment as smoothly as possible, ensuring an understanding of their job purpose, how it fits with the wider context and Trust objectives and our Trust values. It demonstrates our commitment to valuing our people and caring for our patients.

The first impressions of our Trust on a new starter are really important and have a significant impact on how they feel about our Trust, their level of job satisfaction, their commitment and motivation. An effective induction will ensure staff are engaged, motivated and well led from the start.

Trust Induction Booking Guidance

Trust Induction bookings are made by managers by filling in the form linked below:

On receipt of your booking form, we will arrange to book the new starter onto your chosen date. You will receive a booking confirmation email once your request has been actioned. You do not need to wait for booking confirmation from the Mandatory Training Team before confirming the start date with your HR Advisor.

If you require any additional guidance or support regarding the induction process, please contact the Mandatory Training Team via the email address below.

Need some help with ESR?

The training Reception Team are available for support with ESR, booking onto courses and any problems you may have with your mandatory training or eLearning in the first instance.

Newly Qualified Nurses Induction

Content coming soon…

Junior Doctor’s Induction

New doctors joining the Trust will be invited to a doctor’s induction.  These usually take place on the first Wednesday of the month. Inductions will be carried out either face to face or virtually, depending on the number of doctors joining the Trust that month.

Prior to joining us, we will send you a range of useful and important messages containing everything you may need to prepare you for your placement with the Trust.

Induction day will consist of a welcome lecture, fire training, and other useful information delivered by colleagues from across the Trust. You will also receive your EPR (Electronic Patient Record) training if your first rotation is in a hospital post.

You will be provided with an ID badge and Parking Permit (if you request one).

You will also receive an IT log in to provide you with access to the Trust’s IT system and EPR.  This is usually sent to your induction lead or rota co-ordinator prior to starting.

You will also be required to complete some mandatory online eLearning modules when you join.

If you have a query about induction or a postgrad issue, please contact the team on

HCA Induction

Whether new to care or new to BTHFT, all Health Care Assistants are required to attend the HCA induction. This is a comprehensive timetable offered each month, that covers all aspects of the role which supports the standards of the Care Certificate.

The CPD team deliver this programme and facilitate subject experts to deliver teaching that is evidence based and current to practice in preparation for the role of the HCA.