Moving and Handling

The Moving and Handling Service is responsible for the operational planning, development and scheduling of a broad range of Trust wide complex activities related to moving and handling, including training, audits, risk assessment, equipment selection, procurement and strategy.

This is achieved by:

  • providing  expert professional advice to patients, colleagues and managers
  • maintaining compliance with and developing policies, protocols and guidelines in line with legislation and national guidelines
  • developing the service in response to regulation updates and actions from incidents
  • providing Trust wide specialist evidence based education and training programmes including clinical and non-clinical staff


  • Policy reviewed every 5 years or in light of legislative change
  • Develop / review / update a suite of generic Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for patient and load handling
  • Develop / review / update  a suite of generic Safe Systems of Work (SSOW) for patient and load handling
  • Develop / review / update a suite of Guidelines including Dignified Care of the Plus Size Patient, Falls Retrieval, Family Hoist Discharge

Risk Management
  • Review and support investigations from manual handling risk incident investigations  to establish and disseminate learning / action points 
  • Support RIDDOR investigations related to manual handling
  • Support / undertake Incident investigations related to / incorporating manual handling
Risk Assessments
  • Develop / review / update a suite of generic risk assessments for patient and load handling
  • Undertake complex patient and load risk assessments in response to requirements
Health and Well Being
  • Support staff and mangers in identifying adaptations within the work place to improve staff musculoskeletal well being
  • Undertake staff return to work assessments in response to referrals
  • Quarterly LOLER sling inspection 
  • Monthly patient assessment and care plan audit
  • Annual equipment audit and procurement 
  • Number of patients exceeding 160kg daily
  • Keep up to date with equipment developments and new technology
  • Review and select appropriate clinical and non-clinical equipment to reduce the likelihood of harm to staff and patients
  • Undertake structured equipment trials / evaluations in response to problems or new developments
  • Establish / review contracts for procurement of manual handling equipment
  • Establish / review / manage specialist manual handling equipment rental contracts
Workplace Support
  • Provide advice and support to all members of the MDT on complex handling situations as they occur
  • Work alongside staff with complex/highly complex handling requirements to promote quality care and staff safety


Classroom based training is delivered in dedicated fully equipped training room, replicating equipment used in the Trust. All our training has a patient quality and staff safety focus and is delivered by a member of the moving and handling team.

All staff receive theoretical learning (level 1) by the e Learning Module. This ‘one off’ moving and handling theoretical e Learning Module will only require an update if there are any significant changes in legislation.

All staff who undertake high and medium risk moving and handing activities at work will be provided with the relevant practical training (level 2) within three weeks of commencing employment (target 100% compliance) and receive refresher training every three years (target 85% compliance).

To ensure compliance with legislation and the Trusts’ MaST requirements we provide

  • Induction training for an average of 340 new starters per annum
  • Provide additional 600 induction training for overseas nurses, trainee nurse associates, and new health care assistants
  • Provide refresher training for an average of 1500 staff per annum (clinical and non-clinical)
  • Deliver in situ sessions for specialist areas
  • Undertake work place competency assessments on staff

Deliver additional classroom learning in response to need e.g. resilience training, overseas nurses, trainee nurse associates, Project SEARCH, student nurses.

Meet the Team

Helen Naylor
Education Lead for Moving and Handling

Yasar Hussain
Moving and Handling Practitioner

Katy Chmielewska
Moving and Handling Practitioner

Shirley Horsfall
Moving and Handling Practitioner

We can be contacted on or 01274 364267