BTHFT became one of the first Foundation Trusts in April 2004. A year earlier we became a teaching hospital to train the next generation of doctors. During this time the NHS has changed, and the public now expect ever better services. Since 2003, we have built an excellent reputation for the training of new doctors in partnership with the Universities of Leeds and Bradford. We have built new facilities for those students and have plans to further increase these in the coming years. These facilities benefit all clinicians in training both for their first degree and post-graduate education programmes.
You will receive both a general induction and departmental induction here at BTHFT. The general induction will cover generic information important to your role. The departmental induction will be organised by your designated team and will be much more specific with regards to what your day-to-day duties entail. It is important that you attend both inductions as they are often essential for patient safety and are necessary to progress throughout training.
Exception Reporting
For any queries about how to exception report or requesting login details, please email
Go to Login Details (
Please refer to the guidance documents:
The team also support:
- Junior Doctor Inductions
- SAS Teaching programmes (Associate Specialist Training)
- International Medical Graduates (IMG)
- Junior Doctors health and wellbeing / pastoral support
- Junior Doctors Forum and Junior Doctors Mess
- Associate College Tutors appointments
- Consultant Development Programmes
- Educational Supervisor Training
- Locally Employed Doctors (LED)
- Critical incidents involving doctors in training
- Grand Round
Contact Us
For email queries, the following generic inboxes are monitored daily.
For Foundation years and all general enquiries:
For all study leave and travel expenses and general enquiries:
NHSE Team – for rotations / placements, curriculum, and general enquiries:
Trust Postgraduate Team – for hospital-based rotation enquiries, on-site teaching, employer related enquiries:
Trust Workforce Team – for sickness / absence reporting:
Trust Medical Workforce Team – for contractual related enquiries:
Trust Exception Reporting – all enquiries: